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Right hand in a sentence

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Sentence count:160+6Posted:2018-03-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: right-handright-handedright-hand manright-hand ruleright-hand sidenighthawkright hemispherefight tooth and nailMeaning: n. the hand that is on the right side of the body right-hand. adj. 1. located on or directed toward the right 2. intended for the right hand 3. most helpful and reliable. 
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31 Left or right hand side zip available.
32 In the right hand corner is a small gate.
33 She had boldly taken it in her right hand.
34 Goreng held up his right hand.
35 Right hand side still too empty, he wrote.
36 A black metal ball flew from his right hand.
37 His right hand rested on his ceremonial sword.
38 On her right hand was a huge diamond ring.
39 Cornelius paused a moment to extend his right hand.
40 The Cessna 150 was downwind right hand( hand.html), runway 18.
41 I stood there trying to destroy my right hand.
42 With his right hand he takes hold of his chin.
43 At the foot of the stairs, Father Poole paused and transferred his stick from his right hand to his left.
44 His right hand was cuffed to the metal handgrip of the bus seat.
45 Sunny Jim is stark naked with a big piece of pizza in his right hand.
46 Edney holds the ball with his right hand and uses his left shoulder for protection.
47 He lunges at his right hand and the gun falls to the floor.
48 His right hand took hold of the guard's tie and collar and he threw him backwards through the doorway.
49 In his right hand was a large cake with jam on it.
50 You will find the camera button located close to the hand-grip on the right hand side of the body.
51 He reached across to the bank of switches at his right hand and flicked a couple.
52 This time when the firing stopped(, he stuck the shotgun round the door with his right hand and pulled the trigger.
53 Wyatt felt a surge of desolation in the knuckles of his right hand.
54 He shoved them back and shut the oven, leaving the pumpkin-colored mitt on his right hand like a boxing glove.
55 An open razor, the blade thick with clotted blood lay on top of it, a few inches from his right hand.
56 The right hand half of each curve can be drawn as a mirror image.
57 The striker took the ball in his stride and powered it into the top right hand corner from 25 yards.
58 The carrying no longer caused a strain, and his right hand could hold the pen unencumbered by other duties.
59 With the same expressions, curled, wiggling eyebrow, and gestures, the first two fingers of his right hand pointing.
60 Many full-length zip bags are available in left and right hand versions enabling two to be zipped together.
More similar words: right-handright-handedright-hand manright-hand ruleright-hand sidenighthawkright hemispherefight tooth and nailto fight tooth and naileighthlighthousehigh and mightylight-headedknighthoodlightheadedrightlight-heartedlightheartedrightsfrightarightbrightwrightuprightget rightoutrightright nowalrightdo rightby right
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